On Tuesday I entered into the following transaction:
7/24/12 STO 3 FCX Aug 18 2012 30 Puts @.45 $122.75
At the time I entered into this trade FCX was trading at $32.50/share. This is a 25 day trade with ~$1600 in margin maintenance. If these puts expire worthless our return on maintenance is 7.67% or 112% annual. The returns are inflated because this is a volatile security. In the event this stock drops I feel confident we will be able to roll out and down for a net credit. As such, an exit strategy is in place.
If put to us at 29.70 or so, FCX will have a yield on cost of 4.2%. Theoretically, that should buoy the stock. FCX has a rising dividend.
Freeport is a little risky the stocks got a high beta..