Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Trade: Pepsico (PEP) Naked Puts

A couple of days ago in a taxable account I entered into the following trade:

02/09/2012    STO 2 PEP Mar 17 2012 62.5 Puts @.7                      128.51

At the time I entered into this transaction PEP had tanked more than two points down to ~64 based upon it's quarterly report. My experience has been that when a blue chip stalwart tanks after a quarterly report it usually is a knee jerk reaction and it will slowly work it's way back. I wrote the puts under where it tanked and if it tanks more I feel that I will be able to roll the position for a credit and wait for the stock to drift back up. If put to me the yield on cost would be 3.3% with a dividend raise expected in the June quarter. If these puts expire worthless we will earn $128.51 in 38 days on margin maintenance of $2400. This equates to a 5.35% return or 51.4% annual.

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